"Gold ghost town" north of Kalgoorlie.
Broad Arrow is a ghost town. It literally has a single pub (the Broad Arrow Tavern) surrounding by remnants of a once-thriving gold mining community. Given that it is on the edge of the desert to the north of Kalgoorlie it has a certain outback romantic charm. Not surprisingly it is included in all the "Ghost Towns" tours from Kalgoorlie.
The ghost town of Broad Arrow is located 633 km east of Perth and 38 km north of Kalgoorlie via the Goldfields Highway.
^ TOPOrigin of Name
The local Aborigines, the Wangkathaa, called the area 'kurawah'. It was gazetted as Kurawah in 1896 but was changed to Broad Arrow in 1897 because when the gold prospector O'Mara left Kalgoorlie he told his nephew, who was planning to follow him, that he would mark the route with a number of broad arrows.
^ TOPThings to See and Do
Broad Arrow Tavern
This is a town that needs to be experienced rather than seen in terms of attractions. The one building is the Broad Arrow Tavern which was built in 1896 and is considered an authentic outback pub known for its cold beer and its excellent Broady burgers. Back in 1971 the pub featured in the long-forgotten movie, The Nickel Queen, which starred Googie Withers and radio announcer, John Laws. It was directed by Withers' husband, John McCallum.
* Prior to European settlement the area was inhabited for thousands of years by the local Aborigines, the Wangkathaa people, who called the district 'kurawah'.
* Being desert it was not populated by Europeans until 1893 when the prospectors O'Mara, Quinn and Pike discovered gold. Suddenly there was a boom. The richest mines were the Broad Arrow Consols, Hill End (by 1895 Hill End was crushing 18 oz to the ton and had a ten head battery) and Golden Arrow.
* By 1896 the railway had reached the town, the town had been officially gazetted and by 1900 there were an estimated 2,400 residents. This rush of population resulted in eight hotels, (most were little more than tents and shanties), two banks, a cordial factory, two breweries, a hospital with a special fever ward, a stock exchange, a resident magistrate, a number of blacksmiths and even a Dramatic Society.
* By 1901 the population had dropped to 542 and by 1911 there were only 280 in the town.
* By the mid-1920s the rush was over. The miners moved on to other goldfields or returned to Kalgoorlie. Slowly the town, which had only lasted for 25 years, disappeared. This is the nature of gold mining towns.
^ TOPVisitor Information
The people at the pub are happy to help with any visitor information needed. There is also useful information available at the Kalgoorlie Visitor Information Centre, 316 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, tel: 1800 004 653.
^ TOPAccommodation
Broad Arrow Tavern, Broad Arrow, tel: (08) 9024 2058.
^ TOPEating
Broad Arrow Tavern, Broad Arrow, tel: (08) 9024 2058.
^ TOPUseful Websites
There is no dedicated website for the town.
My grandmother Mrs Elizabeth Walters nee Howells went from Wales to Creswick VIC where her mother died in childbirth 4 weeks after they arrived. She was 2. Then to Ballarat where she married a miner and had 10 children, then over to Broad Arrow with her husband and the family. Her daughter Maggie Rule died in 1906 and her husband shot himself in 1907. Her brother died in Coolgardie in 1910. She then ran The Black Flag Dining Room in Broad Arrow until the town died and her sons went off to war. She went to live in Kalgoorlie but eventually returned to Victoria. I admire her courage.
I’m trying to find the names of the original owners back in 1896. My Grandfather was supposed to be the licencee. His name was Frank Conen. His wife – my Grandmother – had three children: two girls and a boy. My mother was born at The Broad Arrow Tavern (Hotel). Can you please help me. Yours Faithfully Graham Stephens.
My Granny’s family used to live in Broad Arrow.
I find this fascinating. It must have been a hard life. In the desert far from the “civilisation” of Kalgoorlie. Thanks for that.
Graham. This is Deb, June and Dick’s daughter from Sydney. Jean (Jane Reid Conen) was the daughter of Frank and Maggie Reid Conen. I remember her visiting Lou and George when she went back to “the West” for holidays. Maggie died at the age of 39 in 1909, and my grandma (Jane Reid) was sent to Sydney to live with cousins. While Lou and George remained in WA. Do you know any more of the history? You can contact Deb at debmcginn@gmail.com
Should be grandmother on first comment.
First Station Master at Broad Arrow was Arthur Robert Webb.
Hi Roland, There was still a lot happening around Broad Arrow in that time. My family owned the pub for about 60 years and Dad was born in it on 2/1/23. Your relo may of delivered him and some of my Uncles and Aunts. My Brother and sister also arrived there in the early 50s. The stories of the Arrow from this time would be a best seller. Unfortunately we lost Dad last year and right to the end he kept us amused with stories of the outback. Matron would have been a very important part of the community. If only the walls of the old pub could talk. The outback history centre in Kalgoorlie may have some info about her. Dad talked of the hospital. In fact I think he and mum rented it when they married to live in.
Brian Oates. My name is LynnAuld, it was Haddow and we lived in the closest house to the Broad Arrow Pub as it was known then. I remember Mrs Oates very well and Keith who married Marion. When we left Broad Arrow they had a little daughter Vanessa. She and my little sister Cheryl were great mates. We loved Marion and my mother made Marion her first long gown for a ball which was held in the Broad Arrow Hall. She looked beautiful. I also remember her brother Ben. I attended Broad Arrow School. You must be related to this family.
We had many wonderful times at the Pub and I remember it well.
Lynn Auld. Yes we are the family of Mary Jane Oates from the Broad Arrow Hotel. I am Vanessa and I remember Mum speaking of your family, in fact there is a photo of us girls somewhere.
Hi Brian, your cousin here. Yes your parents rented the old hospital and my father Jack lived with them for a number of years as he was prospecting close to the pub at a little ghost town called Paddington. The mine was just about where there is a huge nickel mine…….if only…….
When I stayed with them your father would sing a song if I gave him a shilling
Hope al is well
My great grandmother and her sister, Ada Fortington emigrated from England as 20 and 18yr olds. Ada Fortington was the Midwife and the Matron of the Broad Arrow Hospital from 1913 to 1935 (she would have been 74 by then). However looking at the history of the town on this page it seems that there was nothing there around then????
My mother lived in Broard Arrow. Her father was in charge of the battery at Paddington. Their last name was Ross.
My great grandfather (Gomer Oliver) Established and owned Oliver & Co cordial factory in Broad Arrow. I’m searching for a bottle from their factory – can anyone assist?
Hello Ashley. I believe my great grandfather, John Valentine Seebeck was in business with Gomer Oliver. I’m researching his daughter, Amy who was born in BroadArrow . I too am looking for a bottle from their factory…have you had any luck? Would you be interested to swap stories?
My Grandfather Herman Bregenzer married on the 5 January 1895 and according to press reports left the next day for Broad Arrow. He was noted as a surveyor. Later he was with the W.A. Water Board in Coolgardie. He was born in Victoria as was his wife Victoria Bregenzer (nee Gwyther). Presumably they had their honeymoon at the Local Tavern
My parents Dick and Ethel Terrell live in Broad Arrow
Their house is the one nearest the Ora Banda Road
My mother went to school in Broad Arrow in 1934 her father worked on the railways and my Father brought the same house that my mother and her family lived in years later
My name is Lynn Auld, nee Haddow, I grew up in this town. My grandfather, father and Uncle owned and ran the Grace Darling Mine situated 402 miles from Perth, hence the name. I attended the Broad Arrow School from 1948 to 1954. The Oates Family ran the Broad Arrow Hotel and my school teachers were, Mr Harken, Mr Meares and then Mr Lowe.
In those days there was the Railway Station, the Hotel, a tennis court, a hall, a general store plus petrol.
Mr Catchpole had the bakery but that stopped before we left the area. Wonderful memories of my time in Broad Arrow.
Hello Lynn
My mother & siblings lived in Broad Arrow.
Her name was Sandra Ross. Her parents were Colin & Marjorie.
Mum has great memories living there too.
Hi Lynn, My Great Grandfather was Herbert John Catchpole. Do you have any other stories about the family. My Grandmother was Beatrice Lillian Catchpole.
What happened to the Wangkathaa people? Were the all run off their lands? Shot?
Gold mining always leads to landscapes being destroyed. What was it like before Western greed destroyed it? I’m guessing every tree in 100 miles was chopped down for fuel and works? This is the real history. Who cares about 8 pubs etc etc??
I’m not sure that “I’m guessing” should be followed by “This is the real history”.
Is there free camping at Broad Arrow
I, with another 6 people, sought gold at Broad Arrow in 1995 with “Lucky Country Tours”. We all used metal detectors. I found a bottle embossed and with a person and had Broad Arrow on it with a bow and arrow. In perfect condition. It had a marble in its throat so to speak.
Hello Iain
Do you still have the bottle? I believe it may be one produced by my great great uncle, Gustavo Seebeck. I’ve been researching the Seebeck family and they were involved in cordial production in and around Broad Arrow for a number of years.
I was recently in Kalgoorlie researching my father, Hugh Wynne Lloyd Mostyn, who was born there in 1903, and his parents. His father was Edward Hugh Lloyd Mostyn. They lived in Eric Street, Parkstone, at the time of the birth. Staff at th History and Heritage Unit at Boulder Town Hall were very helpful . They found that the family had later moved to 7 Killarney Street. My Grandfather had businesses there and on Hannah Street. Mostyn Street which has a junction with Killarney Street was apparently named after him.
The Unit has now sent further information and according to the Post Office Directory, he was a miner in Broad Arrow in 1900. I wonder if anyone can provide further information about him. He was the grandson of 2nd Baron Mostyn of North Wales and would have gone to WA by ship during the gold rush. He married an Australian, Ella Grant in 1902.
Hello all, further to Ashley Oliver’s request for information & old cordial bottles from our great grandfather’s cordial factory, we’d love to make contact with anyone who has information about Gomer Oliver & his business.