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Colebrook, TAS

Tasmanian farming town once a convict probation station.

It seems as though every town, large and small, between Hobart and Launceston is a wonderland of Georgian and historically interesting buildings. Colebrook is not as large as Richmond, Oatlands, Ross or Campbell Town probably because it started life as a convict probation station and slowly evolved into a centre for the surrounding farming community. Today it has a few significant National Estate buildings and is well worth exploring.


Colebrook is located 53 km north of Hobart on the B31 between Richmond and Oatlands.


Origin of Name

There are two explanations for the naming of Colebrook. It was originally named Jerusalem because on an expedition into the area in 1806 a certain Private Hugh Germain started giving places exotic names. It is claimed that Germain travelled through the area with a copy of The Bible and the Arabian Nights - thus Jerusalem is near Jericho and Bagdad. An alternative version claims Colebrook was named Jerusalem sometime before 1824 by Jorgen Jorgenson, a district constable, who claimed that the seven hills in the district reminded him of Jerusalem. During the administration of Van Diemen's Land by Governor John Frankin (1837-1843) the town's name was changed to Colebrook Dale which was officially reduced to Colebrook in 1894.


Things to See and Do

The Chimneys
The Chimneys, a National Trust listed building, started life as the home of the district constable in 1854. It became a convent and remained so until 1967 when it closed. After the bushfires of 1967 it became a Bed and Breakfast destination and today it is a private home. It is not open for inspection but from the outside it is easy to admire its original charm.

Colebrook Court House
The old Colebrook Court House in the town's main street is a handsome sandstone structure which was built by convicts. It is now a private residence and is not open for inspection. The convicts built a gaol adjacent to the Court House at the same time as they were building the Court House.

National Estate Buildings
The town has a number of National Estate buildings including the former Police Station in Richmond Street which is now a private residence. It is not open for inspection although it still contains two cells.

St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church
Located in Arthur Street St Patrick's is an interesting Gothic Revival church which was consecrated in January, 1857. There is a very detailed account of the origins of the church and its construction at http://www.puginfoundation.org/assets/Colebrook_Essay.pdf. The following quote highlights the uniqueness of the church. "St Patrick’s, Colebrook, was ... a scholarly and completely convincing, yet totally original, evocation of a small English medieval village church. The vocabulary of its elements establishes that it accurately reflected construction that would have originally been in vogue around the year 1320. In its plan form, composition and furnishings it conformed with Pugin’s exposition of what constituted ‘a complete Catholic parish church for the due celebration of the divine office and administration of the sacraments, both as regards architectural arrangement and furniture’. It comprised an aisled three-bay nave with antipodean north porch, a relatively deep separately expressed chancel, with a rood screen across the chancel arch, and a sacristy in the angle between the south aisle east wall and the chancel south wall."

Colebrook History Room
Colebrook History Room located in the park on the former school site, is open by appointment only. Tel: (03) 6259 7140. The history room has a wonderful collection of memorabilia, artifacts and information.



* Prior to the arrival of Europeans the area around Colebrook was inhabited by the members of the Paredarerme Aboriginal language group

* The district where Colebrook now stands was first explored by Europeans in early 1804. By 1806 soldiers were being sent to the district to kill kangaroos and emus because of a serious food shortage in Hobart Town.

* It is claimed that the infamous Tasmanian bushranger, Martin Cash, was incarcerated in the Colebrook Gaol but managed to escape and hide in a pear tree near the police station. It is probably untrue but is part of local folklore.

* In 1854 ‘The Chimneys’, one of the most important residence in town, became the residence of the district constable.

* In 1857 St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church was consecrated.

* By 1871 Hardwick Mill was grinding wheat but thirty years later it had been converted into a private home.

* in 1882 work started on St. James Anglican Church.

* Bushfires almost completely destroyed the town on 7 February, 1967 with the state school, post office, the Railway Hotel, the two shops and many homes being burnt to the ground.

* Craigbourne Dam was officially opened on 17 November, 1986. In the process Colebrook Park, a two-story Georgian sandstone house built in 1822, which would have been located under the rising waters was removed from its original site.


Visitor Information

Colebrook does not have its own Visitor Information Centre. The two closest visitor centres are the Heritage Highway Visitor Information Centre, Mill Lane, Oatlands, tel: (03) 6254 1212 and The Richmond Gaol, 37 Bathurst Street, Richmond, tel: (03) 6260 2127.


Useful Websites

There are no dedicated websites for Colebrook.

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34 suggestions
  • Request for Help to try to find my mother. She was born at Colebrook, Tasmania Australia. Her name was Edith Annie Burns. Her father was Albert Richard (Jasper) Burns and her mother was Elsie Rose Oxley.
    Edith Burns married my father Howard Samuel Trowbridge Waugh on the 20th October 1934. I was born on the 25th September 1935. I was hoping someone out there could *Help Me*. I need to have her Death Certificate and to Visit her “Grave”. She had ten brothers and sisters. You can contact me at bettyk2429@gmail.com.

    Elsie Kennett
  • My mother’s mother, Julia Cohen, was born at Colebrook. My father’s sister Grace Eaton also taught school there. I have fond memories of Nan and her home at 50 Faraday St in West Hobart. Grace taught primary school to my Dad (Ross Eaton) and actually outlived him. Any contact to me by mobile 0400242077

    len eaton
  • 1. Are the Colebrook History Rooms able to be open for visitors, perhaps travelling in a group of up to fifty persons?
    2. Are there public conveniences in Colebrook or in a nearby location for tourists travelling as a bus-load?

  • I’m looking for information about Nurse Bevan of “Passchendaele” Ryndaston Road, Colebrook. I’m led to believe she was a midwife who delivered babies at her home in 1930’s. Can anyone help, please?

    Sandra Lynch
  • Hi! My great-great grandfather spent time in Jerusalem – 4 months in 1850. On his convict work history it states that it is Jerusalem and not Colebrooke Dale as stated above. You state that the name was changed in 1834 but in 1850 it was still called Jerusalem. I have all his convict records – his trial, transportation and convict work history – so maybe the name was changed after 1850. I don’t think they would still write Jerusalem 16 yrs after a name change. I may be wrong of course. I am only going of my convict report. It is the official form from Port Arthur. Great reading.

    This is quite complex, Steve. The general consensus is that the name was changed from Jerusalem to Colebrook during the time of Governor John Franklin. Franklin was Governor of Van Diemen’s Land from 1837-1843. Why the official convict report still kept using Jerusalem is a mystery to me. You can check my excellent source by going to http://digital.statelibrary.tas.gov.au:1801/webclient/StreamGate?folder_id=0&dvs=1472615544851~382&usePid1=true&usePid2=true and working your way down to Colebrook. This source is remarkable and it has so much detail.
    Thanks so much for that, Bruce Elder

    steve hanlon
  • The homestead of Colebrook Park was not inundated by waters of Craigbourne Dam. It was dismantled and removed.

    rod smith
  • The date of the change of name could be determined by dating the first census which my great grandfather was included in. It was still called Jerusalem then. I guess it was about 1860. He died in 1949 aged 99.

    rod smith
    • My Grandfather was born in Jerusalem in 1875 and I have a book which was awarded to him for reading while he was at school which clearly states Jerusalem.

      Carol Laurence (Volkmer)
  • I’m looking for information about my great grandfathers family, my great grandfathers name is Mancel John Cooper apparently Colebrook is his birthplace, he shifted to New Zealand and died in World War 1. He was born in 1891 in Colebrook.

    Shannan cooper
    • My grandfather was a Turner … his father I believe was called Harry who died when Pop was about 12. His mother married again and I believe she married again to a man whose last name was Campbell. Pop had some half siblings as well. Pop had a brother called Roy who used to live at Fitzgerald (near Maydena) and I think Roy had a son called Tommy who played golf at NN and used to work at the HPH in Hobart for a time.

      Di Jones
  • I am searching my father’s family history. He was born in Colebrook. Full name Roy Marshal Thomas Turner. His father was Thomas Turner. His mother remarried after his fathers death. She married a farmer surname Campbell.

    Diane Lyons
  • My grandfather and great grandfather were Blacksmiths at Campania providing services to many residents and property owners throughout the Campania / Colebrook district. I recall many rabbiting trips, as a child, with my father to properties owned by many who remembered my grandfather. The old family house still stands in Campania and remains occupied. I would appreciate any information that anyone may have on the early Blacksmiths: Frederick James Bowden (26/4/1855 -7/8/1929) married Louisa Shelverton and Frederick Thomas Bowden ( 30/6/1888 – 28/7/1952) married Emma Jones.

    Garry Bowden
  • Does anyone know where I may obtain a copy of the book ‘From Jerusalem to Colbrook’ by Helen J. Osbourne?

    Garry Bowden
  • I live at Colebrook. My family bought the house ? when I was about 4 yrs old. The family name was Denny. And Colebrook will always be home. A beautiful country too x

    Sandra stokes
  • Hi I’m after some information about my family history. Their names were Beven. they used to own Mount Pleasant. It was sold in the 1950s. If anyone knows anything would be really great my email is kylie_hall3@hotmail.com
    Cheers in advance

    Kylie hall
  • Hi Nurse Frances Beven was my grandmother and delivered me at the farmhouse at Colebrook . I think I was the last baby delivered there

    Michael Hill
  • I am researching Richard Plummer who was the District Constable in Jerusalem (now Colebrook I believe) in 1860. I notice that the District Constable lived in The Chimneys, and I wondered if there was an actual record that shows that Richard Plummer did live there with his family.

    Dianne Joy Saunders
    • Replying to Michael Hill re: Nurse Frances Bevan.
      Michael, if your grandmother’s last delivery was you? Then what year were you born.

      I also have a grandmother who was born in Colebrook Tasmania, 22 May 1927. Lilly Irene Gilchrist.
      Parents are Seymour Clarence Gilchrist and Linda May Haslam.

      I would like to know more on the location of this farmhouse where children were born with the help of Nurse Frances Bevan, and did Nurse Bevan deliver my grandmother?
      Is there a website and details of all the children who were born, and the midwives name, at this location at that time?
      Could there have been another Nurse who took over from Nurse Bevan in delivering babies? Would love to know more.

      You can contact me on, sammy.korners@hotmail.com

      Sam Despard

      Samantha Despard
  • Colebrook History Room located in the park on the former school site, is open by appointment only. Ph 03 62597140. The history room has a wonderful collection of memorabilia, artifacts and information.

    Michelle Pears
  • What relation does this town have with the Judge’s Advocate, at the time of it’s naming, Joshua Arthur Colebrook from North Sydney ?

    Steven Arthur Colebrook
  • I would be very grateful if anyone can provide any information on my great grandparent Edward Lynch who was born in Jerusalem, Tas.1859 (as per his birth certificate) I am unable to find his parents names or details. He was a listed Hotel Keeper in 1905 and his wife Mary Jane (nee Berkery) gave birth the same year in Whyte River to son Edward Thomas Lynch. Mary was married in Waratah in 1880 at age of 30 and born in Stanley. Many thanks if you can help.

    Maureen Thomas
    • Hi, I may be able to help there. I believe Edward Lynch is a brother to my great grandfather, Thomas Patrick Lynch.
      I have Edward listed as born Patrick Edward B:1859 Colebrook. He married Sarah Jane Berckery in 1889 in Waratah.
      Edward’s parents are John Lynch B:abt 1815 Ireland and married Margaret (Margrat) Hyland (Ireland) 1854 in Oatlands. Margaret B: 1840 in Richmond Tas to John Hyland (Ireland) and Harriet James. Harriet is worth a google.
      I hope this helps.

      David Sherston
  • Hi I am researching my great grandparents Joseph Henry Reid and his wife Emma nee Rawlings as I am the granddaughter of their only daughter Kathleen Reid who married Leslie Curtis. If any one can help with information on them and their lives I would be most grateful.

  • So interesting. Can anyone tell me the recent history of the general store in Colebrook.
    I think someone is squatting there.

  • Does the property The Oaks at 172 Springhill Bottom Rd have any history and photos of its early construction

    Marianna Perry
  • Does anyone have information or photos in relation to the St Patrick’s Catholic Convent School which closed in 1965? My sister attended the school.

    Maree Kingston
  • I neglected to mention the St Patrick’s Catholic Convent my sister attended was Colebrook TAS. I have since found out it was called The Chimneys.

    Maree Kingston
  • My GGGGG Grandparents Andrew & Jane Tomley had Colebrook Park built then run by their Son in Law James Robertson & their daughter Margaret
    So sad that house stood where Dam is now
    Would love any further information, photos etc

    Michelle Johns
  • Hi,
    I’m researching my family history. According to my 4xGr-Grandmothers Victorian death cert, she was born in Jerusalem, somewhere between 1828-1835. I’m finding it difficult to nail down, as the Library does not have any record of her birth registration. Her father was Michael McGuire, convict who arrived in 1818. Her mother is listed as Mary Starr, also a convict, but she did not arrive until 1835. So it could be that she married Michael, but is not Sarah’s mother. Or, Sarah was born very early after they met. I’m hoping for baptism records, or a marriage record.
    Michael did purchase land in Richmond St?, and then died and is buried in Colebrook in 1859.

    Samantha Curran